Sunday, January 18, 2009

Altogether Now - # Joey Ramo-o-o-o-one! #

As I be-twittered the other day - and time, space and generally 1am-ness prevent me from expressing exactly to what degree my life has been incomplete without broadcasting my tiniest thoughts in a great, splattering sneeze across the internet - my fantastic, immortal headphones turned out to have a weakness, and that weakness was being used every day for three and a bit years. And so here I am, cruelly bereft of noise in one ear, and that, my friends, is one ear too many.

Anyway, that was not the point. This is the point. In the death throes of my headphones, as I slumped home from work in not-so-glorious mono, my iPod sensed the doom in the air and served me up a double-header of Dying All Young by Chuck Prophet and the following work of genius which I had quite forgotten about by The Awesome Power Of William Shatner. (Excuse the fan vid. That's YouTube for you)

Question! What's the most blessed part of this thing? Is it: a) when Shatner suddenly lists random celebrities who have carked it? b) When the backing singers respond with a beautifully harmonised "Dead!" after each name? c) When the backing singers spell out "You're gonna die" D-I-V-O-R-C-E-style? Or d) when they sing the list of interesting or imaginative ways that your, my, everyone else's life is going to suddenly END?

What's the best? Why, all of those things, of course! Once again, in the words of Futurama: the Shatner has found a way.

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